
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15331 From: yatesgreg@qty1.biz Date: 1/22/2018
Subject: USB Gamepad

Does anyone have a hack which allows the use of a current model gamepad on the system. Our "compatible" leaded PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller unit is not recognised by the KmotionCNC system.

2 This raises two questions/suggestions ( to which there may already be good reasons as to why it is an issue ;-).

1. Why not approach the device at the generic HID driver level, particularly given the unit in the manual doesn't appear to be any longer available?

2. Generate a configuration page with the Axes and buttons to allow other functions to be mapped to the generic HID level buttons. As shown here html5gamepad.com   Given he diversity of applications in which the KFlops are used then this would appear to be justifiable


Group: DynoMotion Message: 15333 From: yatesgreg@qty1.biz Date: 1/22/2018
Subject: Re: USB Gamepad
Further to that we went and grabbed a Logitech F310, the only leaded controller on the market, and it is not recognised by KMotion.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15334 From: David Stevenson Date: 1/23/2018
Subject: Re: USB Gamepad
Did you try selecting the gamepad option on the KMotionCNC tool setup screen?

Best regards,

On 1/23/2018 2:45 AM, yatesgreg@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Further to that we went and grabbed a Logitech F310, the only leaded controller on the market, and it is not recognised by KMotion.

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Group: DynoMotion Message: 15335 From: yatesgreg@qty1.biz Date: 1/23/2018
Subject: Re: USB Gamepad
And suddenly it bursts into life...  I believe the correct cultural reference at a moment like this is "Doh" ;-)

Nothing quite so satisfying as replacing what was once a $10K teach pendant with a disposable $40 gamepad.

Thankyou for your assistance
